A back office support company making the life of the small business owner easier.


Accounting Services (Money); Administrative Services (Paper); HR Services (People); IT Services (Tech). We work mostly with QuickBooks but if you have a software you love, we’ll see if we can support it.


Services provided off-site utilizing cloud computing for document sharing and communication. Business BITS staff will have the flexibility to come to the business owner for scheduled meetings, if needed.


Full-time staff working for your company when you need the support. Real-time access to information for the business owner.


You don’t have time, we do. Business BITS provides support for job tasks that can simplify the day of a business owner, with fluid access to information for your late nights and working vacations.


Streamlined job functions and shared services will deliver a full back-office support staff on a budget that is manageable for the small business owner.


Everybody wants money!
Let Business BITS help you get money in the door so you can pay your bills, invest in your company and Grow your Business Bit by Bit.


Do you hate paper? We don’t!
Business BITS will help you keep track of all your stuff, paper or electronic, so your business runs smoothly.


You’ve got staff, but not enough time to get them started. Business BITS will keep your new hire papers together and sent off to the right places, making sure your people are ready to earn cash!


You’ve got a multitude of devices and data critical to your business but may not have the internal staff to handle your technology issues. Business BITS will provide the IT support to keep your business up and running.